Sunday 31 December 2017

Herculon Dome on Bomar

Over the holidays I was visiting family and I brought an old laptop that can manage to run Blender. While watching a lot of hockey on television I doodled in Blender working on a project I have thought about for some time. A model of one of the domed cities on Bomar first discussed in a Stars without Number post back in early March of this year.

What's that Agribot doing out here?

To cut down on the render time I did all of the work in Blender Render rather than Cycles. I actually learned a lot about the Blender Render in the process. It does have some advantages over Cycles. For one, the images produced are a lot clearer.

Rendered using Blender Render

Once I got back to my regular computer I switched the render engine over to Cycles. Below are some images showing the results. I have a lot of work to do to detail all of the buildings and add people and vehicles.  I also plan to add agricultural domes linked to the city dome and I need to add the covered water canal. Herculon is supplied by a canal that brings water all the way from the north pole of Bomar.

I like the end result but I may have to up the population for the planet. I had set the population at 500,000 in the earlier post.There are around 500 buildings in the model I created and on average these buildings have 15-20 floors. If we assume some of these buildings are offices, factories, warehouses it still makes the population of Herculon quite high. Maybe there are 350,000 people in Herculon and not many more in other sites on Bomar. The other domes could be quite small.

Street View Near the Concert Hall
Flying Cars, Trucks and a Floating Advertisement
Herculon - Domed Living on Bomar

Lots of work yet to be done.

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